At the heart of any Workforce Metrics system is its Data Warehouse. 

A key component of CPM Management Studio© is its Data Warehouse Engine which can dynamically import information from any range of systems in varying formats.

There are 3 key components to the Data Warehouse Engine, the Database Studio which manages the configuration and storage of all the Master Data imported by the Import Studio, the Import Studio which manages the importing of information from any number of external systems where the source information can be in any manner of formats (direct connection to a SQL Database, Excel Spreadsheets or flat files) and the Metric Studio which manages the definition and creation of the Workforce Metrics where Metrics can be created for any number of periods, Weekly, Monthly, Year-to-date or Rolling 12 Month..

Database Studio

The Database Studio manages the configuration and storage of all the Master Data imported by the Import Studio.  The Master Data is also available for Reporting without needing to be transformed into Metric Data. 
The Database Studio maintains the configuration of all the Master Data sets.  The Master Data can be both reported on directly or used to generate Metric Data.

The Database Studio has a sophisticated add-in feature which allows several Master Data sets be be joined together to provide a richer data source from which to generate Metric Data or report on directly.  For example, the Employee Details, Employee Salary and Employee Performance may all come in as discrete Imports and at varying frequencies.  By creating add-ins for the Salary and Performance Tables, these can be joined to the Employee Details so that any Metric that uses the Employee Details can also include the Current Salary and Performance Rating.  This could be useful for Staff Attrition Models as this would enable the viewing of Staff Attrition by Last Performance Rating or Current Salary Band

Import Studio

The Import Studio manages the importing of information from any number of external systems.  The source information can be in any manner of formats, direct connection to a Relational Database, Excel Spreadsheets or flat files.

The Import Studio allows for multiple sources and formats to be imported into a single Master Data Set such as an Employee Details Table.  Here one part of the business could be providing Employee Data via a Spreadsheet, another by Flat File whilst another could be coming from a direct link to an external Database.  Therefore there is no requirement for all business entities to be operating on the same Payroll/HR system.

To enable the consolidation of information from multiple disparate data sources the Import Studio also includes as many Translation Tables as is required.  These allow for the transformation of multiple definitions and codes into a single concise set of data names.  For example numerous definitions of Casual Employment (CA, C, CAS, CASUAL) can all be transformed to a single definition of Casual.

The Import Studio also contains an Import Scheduler which enables the automated scheduling of Information uploading.  This can happen Daily, Weekly, Monthly or On Request. The time at which the Import is to be scheduled can also be specified.  Using the Scheduler, key Management information can be imported on a daily basis without any intervention, providing the business with up-to-date Reporting.

Metric Studio

The Metric Studio manages the definition and creation of the Workforce Metrics.  Metrics can be created for any number of periods, Weekly, Monthly, Year-to-date or Rolling 12 Month.

The Metric Studio maintains the configuration of all the Metric Data sets.  It also contains information on the frequency that this Metric relates to.  Metrics can be generated by Period, Monthly, Year to Date, Rolling 12 Months, or to report on Master Data.

Each Metric Data set can be configured to consolidate information into summary rows where detail is not required.  There is also a comprehensive Function Library from which specific Metric elements can be incorporated in the Metric Data sets.  Functions include items such as Staff Service length, Service Length of Leavers, FTE calculations, Voluntary Leavers, Overtime Ratio’s etc.

During the building of the Metrics there is also the ability to incorporate Banding Data from a Banding Library.  This is where broad grouping may be required for reporting such as Salaries in Bands ( < $20,000  ,  $20,000-$30,000 , $30,000-$50,000 , …etc). Bands can be established for any form of data such as Age Bands, Service Bands, Leave Entitlement Bands.

Using the Metric Scheduler, the scheduling of Metric generation can be Weekly, Monthly or On Request. The time at which the Metric is to be scheduled can also be specified.